{space battle goes here}

… by “shortly” I apparently meant “about three weeks.” I haven’t actually written the fight, although I’ve thought about it enough that I think it might last two installments.

They jump the baddies, right? Or, well, the more-baddies, Our Heroine and her crew aren’t exactly good guys. Anyway. The mercs have a big smoky hole in their ship and they’re not all dead because they have modern conveniences like auto-sealing bulkheads. They’re still tumbling when Our Heroes pile out the airlock holing all kinds of old-fashioned uncool things like knives and weaponized industrial equipment.

I might actually just make up DnD style stats for everyone and roll dice to see how it goes. Or rather, how it goes wrong. I know who wins, and what happens after. It’s just getting from there to here that’s complex.


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